Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

T436: El Queso

Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360372, 4785526 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7188885796508, 43.209579550705 (map)
Elevation (m):1759
Length (m):190
Depth (m):-3
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


East side of Pozo de Andara (Lake Depression) Approaching from Caseton de Andara, heading into the Pozo de Andara (Lake Depression), where the track forks at the start of the depression: T105 - Los Italianos (connects to Sistema Ramazosa) T144 - Rosario (connects to Sistema Ramazosa) T91B - El Lago / RCA6 (connects to Sistema Ramazosa) Blenda II Pendiente El Queso


Obvious mine entrance with railway sleepers in the entrance


The mine adit heads 25m south east, following the evidence of old railway lines, until a mined out chamber is encountered. The chamber is approx. 10m long x 5m wide and up to 20m high. A daylight shaft is obvious above and there is a lot of mine stemples and platforms in evidence. A short crawl down and under the northern wall, leads to a climb up (over stemples) that has not been explored, but is assumed to head up to the same daylight shaft.

Immediately opposite the entrance to the chamber is a continuation of the mine adit. This continues south east for 75m, passing a number of junctions, all of them blind.

Post trip survex work seems to suggest this passes about 5m from the Castillo - FT16 connection point.


L.S.D. (1981) T.C.P. (2019)


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