Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

T304: Clockwork Pot

(Torca del Reloj, H)

Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360547, 4785426 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7167099425836, 43.208711809336 (map)
Elevation (m):1850
Length (m):120
Depth (m):-100
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Following the track at the top of the slope above the White House, leads to a fork. Right leads onto the Lake Depression, whilst left goes up to a vast area of mines overlooking the Lake Depression. After passing the large open holes of the Rosario complex (surrounded by green metal fences) the track leads via a zig zag path to a small knoll. After the fourth bend there are three large hole labelled F, G, and H. (H is T304 - Clockwork Pot) The entrance lies in a depression to the right of the track to T145. Two holes on the right of the track before the entrance also drop into the cave


A hole under a rock wall at the base of a rubble floored depression.


A short crawl inthrough the entrance leads to a chamber. Across the chamber leads to the base of the other other two entrances (see entrance).

To the right however leads to a short drop into a 1m wide rift traversing to the first pitch of 4m. A hole in the floow below this is a blind 15m pitch

Traversing leads to StorryTime, a superb 83m pitch. This lands in a roomy chamber. The way on is down through some boulders to a short length of narrow passage to a 5m pitch, this pitch enters Pozo Natacha


Caves and Caving no. 37, no. 39.L.U.S.S. (1984) 7 L.U.S.S. (1986), LUSS 4 GPS from Google Earth (2016)


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