Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter


East, North:357202, 4792357 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:0, 0
Elevation (m):1200
Length (m):114
Depth (m):-8
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Easily located, the PO 30 is situated on the southern slope of the Jou de la Cotiñosa. Its easily visible entrance leads to a small shelter in the rock


No description currently available


Largest in the Jou de la Cotinosa area at >100m

The entrance leads to a small shelter in the rock and after a few meters ends in a narrow passage almost completely filled with mud and small pebbles. Forcing this passage allows access to a medium-sized chamber.

There are two possible directions, up the western slope of the cavity, to +11 m of elevation, or down to the east to -8m ending in impassable rift. The lower route is tight with crawls and narrow bends

The route up through the western zone of the cave, has the greatest development, via a meander with strong signs of erosion. Passable at the top but never reaching a large size, The meander deepens at various points reaching its base.

After reaching an area with abundant formations, the rift widens before reaching a collapse of rocks. No way on

A seasonal stream appears to run through the entire cave


Club d'Espeleologia l'Avern,2018, 2024


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