Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

T55: Sima 55

(CS-2, Torca Del Jou Sin Tierra, Torca 55)

Area:Cueto de los Senderos
East, North:359471, 4785483 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7299644451107, 43.209025356093 (map)
Elevation (m):2056
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-260
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Beyond the break in the ridge beside the 'Pozo de Andara (Lake Depression) '. Walk NW for about 20 minutes, climbing slightly
(1980 description) On steep slope on NE side of Pico Soriano. From Sima 56 follow the ridge SW for 200m then turn NW along Soriano ridge for 150m. It overlooks the Del Moro depression (and is obvious form the top of Pico del Moro)


Sima 55 is located approx. 300m south west of the entrance to Sima 56 at an altitude of 2035-2056m, some 50m higher than Sima 56


A huge open shaft, 200m deep.
At -200m the shaft reaches a snow plug. The snow plug rests on the rock floor of a chamber with no apparent way on. However, the chamber narrows at one end leading to a 4m climb up to a strongly draughting hole and the head of a 10m pitch, landing on a boulder slope.
Descending the slope leads to a tight rift over which it was possible to climb to give a 20m pitch down and past the restriction.
The bottom of the 20m pitch lands on a boulder slope which continues down the rift but closes down to a blockage of easily diggable head sized boulders covered in wet mud.


S.E.I.I. (1982). "Expediciones a Tresviso". Cuadernos de Espeleología-9/10-183-214.
Anon.. "LUSS. Expeditions to Tresviso and the Picos de Europain northern Spain, 1974-1977". LUSS.
Anonimo. (1981). "Tresviso 80. An expedition to the Picos de Europa,Northern Spain, 1980". LUSS.
Bown, M. (1987). "Sima 55". LUSS-4, vol. 2 no1:53-55.
I.K.T.F. Campana espeleologica Bejes (Cantabria). Memorias 2002".
A.D.Kami. "Expedicion espeleologica Bejes 2009. Memorias 2009".
Caves and Caving No. 31,


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