Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

FT14: Pozo Del Hasta Luego

Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360545, 4785505 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:0, 0
Elevation (m):1850
Length (m):339
Depth (m):-164
System:Sistema Castillo
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


In the Mazarassa mines zone; following the same path that leads to T145 - Pozo del Castillo, just before the first hairpins. The entrance pitch is marked FT14 but like the other caves in the area, it is linked to numerous entrances via mine galleries (FT14a, FT13 to FT10).


The entrance is marked with FT14 but it is joined to the other cave entrances by the mine galleries c (FT14B, FT13 Ft 10).


A 20m pitch in rectangular sectioned shaft (5m by 7m) enters mined natural passage, with unstable boulders and overhanging beams to snow plug,

45 degree mine adit / ramp enters at foot of pitch from FT14a and FT13 (not shown on 80's survey)

Following the snow down leads to the top of a very dangerous pitch of 10m.

At head of P10 is unexplored mine passage, probably connected to FT10, FT11 and FT12 entrances, although this may be the connection to FT14a and FT13 marked incorrectly on the survey.

At the bottom of P10 is a small circular chamber, followed in a few meters to a beautiful 40m pitch in a horseshoe shaped shaft.

At head of P40 a pendulum reaches a mine passage which connects to FT10, FT11 and FT12

At 15m from the bottom of the P40, a small pendulum attains a mine passage which intersect the shaft. To the west it is blind after a few metres. The other side reaches, after a few metres, the base of a large aven, 16m long but not free climbable. (this is not shown on 80's survey)

At base is very steep and very unstable slope, leading onto a P90, that can be rebelayed in 3 sections, to a damp bottom. The shaft is initially circular but enlarges to 20m x 10m half way down.

Small stream quickly ends at -166m.

Half way down P90 is small parallel pitch, with a small draught that becomes too tight.


Krattinger, T.; Morle, C.; Theron, R. (1982). "Picos de Europa 81". L.S.D. - 2:47-81.
Sefton, M. (1984). "Cave explorations around Tresviso, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain". Cave Science vol. 11-4:199-237.


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