Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

2.35: 2.35

Area:Vegas de Andara
East, North:361778, 4785025 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7014621781867, 43.205328798865 (map)
Elevation (m):1910
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-20
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


South east of 2.33. Location: From the main track into the Vegas de Andara (SARA Depression) take the left hand track fork opposite and just past the bell pits or test excavations. This track climbs up the western side of the depression towards El Santo. Pass the stream


A 3m by 2m arched entrance leading directly onto a small chamber.


Low chamber leads to a passage with a 20m natural shaft in the floor. The passage continues for another 30m before reaching a 10m pitch in a rift. Some evidence of mining in the roof. Neither pitch was descended. (1979) Description: Mined natural passage shortly reaches 20m pitch in floor and continues up to further 15m undescended shaft. The 20m sloping pitch leads to lower mine workings and 4m pitch down into 2.32a.

The second pitch is worth investigation as it does not appear to join the known lower workings.


L.U.S.S. (1974-1977)


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