Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

C-5: Not Oh What Pot

Area:Sierra del a Corta
East, North:361340, 4787222 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7074032285489, 43.225023429104 (map)
Elevation (m):1491
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-110
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Cavity located in the upper area of ​​the Sierra de La Corta. Following the track that goes up from Bejes to the Andara Refuge, turn off towards the North at the height of Brañarredonda, going down to the trough and following the ridge of the Colladas de Mancondiu and La Gobia in the direction of Sierra of the Court In a large pencil(?) that is located to the east of the cordal is the cave




The cave has a 2x3m entrance which leads to a pitch of about 55 meters. The pitch is broken at -15 meters by a block that divides it into two branches and, later, by a ledge dragged to 30m. From the ledge, which is loose, enters a large chamber (25x25) and the roof slopes steeply to meet the floor?

The passage becomes about 80 cm in height and a width of several meters. To the left is a small fossil meander that leads to a new pitch of bout 20 meters of depth. The pitch has dimensions of 3x5 meters wide, and ends in a new chamber with characteristics very similar to the previous one. At the bottom, two more small rooms are accessed between the blocks until becomes impassable


Interclub Tracalet-Flash (2021-2022)
This looks like it's probably Not Oh What Pot (2018)


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