Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

E8: Aven de las Cabezos de la Pica

Area:Pico Boro
East, North:359535, 4787623 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Google Earth
Long, Lat:-4.7297214828941, 43.228298907924 (map)
Elevation (m):1500
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-59
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


200m to the N. N.-W. from the top of Llama del Carbanal (lower slopes of pico Boro?) Possibly Fuente Sole


Entrance 1.5 x 3m onto shaft


Entrance 1.5 x 3m. Single pitch of 59m. At -15, a big block can be used as a rebelay. The next 30m pitch lands on a sloping boulder ramp to final 12m pitch and steep scree ramp (possibly continuation)


DUBOIS Paul - S.C.A.L. 1964, P 47. JACQUIER Pierre - S.C.A.L. 1975 - 1976, P 78. HENRY Francois - S.C.A.L. 1975 - 1~76, P 77, 84.


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