Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

T88: Suerte

Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360948, 4785916 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7118990547113, 43.213196188619 (map)
Elevation (m):1782
Length (m):155
Depth (m):0
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Obvious mine entrance at the side of Caseton de Andara (Caseton de Andara) is T87 Mazarrasa, climb up the spoil heap above T87 to the first level ground. The entrance is on the left 10m from the spoil edge.


The entrance is on the left 10m from the spoil edge.


A 2m square, muddy floored, mined entrance can be followed for 80m to a junction. The right-hand route leads down over an old mine cart and continues beyond. The left-hand route continues for another 10m to a heavily shored section, with the passage continuing beyond for at least another 10m. This route drafts strongly.

The 1979 LUSS report states that both junctions choke, but this was not confirmed and over 110m of passage was explored in 2018.


L.U.S.S. (1979)
T.C.P. (2018)


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