Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter


Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360670, 4785610 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7152428608996, 43.210390673114 (map)
Elevation (m):1850
Length (m):0
Depth (m):0
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Following the track at the top of the slope above the White House, leads to a fork. Right leads onto the Lake Depression, whilst left goes up to a vast area of mines overlooking the Lake Depression. After passing the large open holes of the Rosario complex (surrounded by green metal fences) the track leads via a zig zag path to a small knoll. After the fourth bend there are three large hole labelled F, G, and H. (H is T304 - Clockwork Pot) Immediately right of track 15m opposite T304.


A small hole at other end of T304 depression.


A crawl for a few feet leads into a crouch size chamber. A hole in the left hand wall leads to a large shaft, 'a 7 second drop'. Extensive hammering needed to allow descent. Oral connection with T304. Worth returning to.

T304 is Clockwork Pot and 'Storrytime' pitch is an 80m pitch. 7 second drop is probably this pitch


L.U.S.S. (1986), LUSS 4


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